I LOVE this idea! Not sure how I would implement it into my classroom - but I love the concept!
20 Time in Education
Basically, 20 Time lets the students research, create, pursue their own passions, innovate, do projects - utilizing one class period per week. (or 20% of class time). For those of us who teach in a block schedule, this may not be possible to do weekly - but it is certainly something worth considering implementing if possible. I also like the "no grade" idea - don't grade students as they pursue their passions, or create and innovate (what if a project doesn't work as planned?) - students are WAY too focused on the grade as it is (in my humble opinion) - giving them time to research or create and risk failure is something teachers should encourage! Like I said, I'm not sure how this would work in my school or in my classroom, but it's something I will definitely be thinking about this summer!
Tales, Thoughts, and True Confessions from a Teacher in America's Educational System
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Monday, April 14, 2014
Straight From The Heart - Remembering Lisa LeBaron Tucker
There are teachers who teach because it is a job; they like
the steady paycheck, insurance benefits, and vacation time. Then there are teachers who teach because it
is a calling. They talk about how much
they love their students and how excited they are for the unit they are
studying (or about to study). My cousin,
Lisa LeBaron Tucker was the latter. As a
Kindergarten teacher, she was living out her life’s calling when, two weeks ago,
her life was suddenly cut short.
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Lisa LeBaron Tucker. Cousin. Friend. Teacher |
I had been planning since early November to write a blog
post about how teaching Kindergarten was the toughest job in education. I spent some time talking to Lisa about my
idea. Much to her embarrassment, she was going to be the focus of the piece. I was going to interview her about the trials
and joys of teaching Kindergarten, what I consider to be the toughest teaching
assignment in education. She had given me permission to get pictures off her
facebook page of her “in action.” I was
still working out the story details in my mind; writing the actual story was one
of those things I planned to do when I had time, and like so many things in
life, it got put off till “later.” Neither of us imagined that a mere few
months later she would not be alive to give me the interview I was planning.
Though Lisa’s physical heart stopped beating, the heart of
who she was as a teacher was evident this weekend when we buried this vibrant,
enthusiastic, loving woman. By the
world’s standards, Lisa didn’t lead an extraordinary life –she was a just Kindergarten
teacher living and working in a small town – but as was evidenced by the number
of people in attendance at her funeral, her life, her heart for others touched
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Lisa ALWAYS dressed up for Halloween! Here she with a student |
For me, part of Lisa’s legacy is to show the influence and
impact teachers can have when they care, when they love, and when they teach with
their hearts as Lisa did.
It is so easy for teachers to burn out and become cynical. So often it feels like everyone from
politicians to parents and the students are against your every effort to do not
just a good job, but to do more and be better every class period. Society’s mandate and expectation for
teachers is to do more than teach content, we are to “INSPIRE” our students;
yet our goals shift with numerous educational trends, each based on the changing
political winds that shift with each voting year. It’s so easy to get discouraged and to lose
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Another Halloween Carnival - Another Costume! |
But Lisa’s passing has reminded me that teaching is ALL
about the heart.
What it isn’t about is the
latest curriculum debate or which instructional techniques are the best to use.
It’s not about “Common Core vs. No Common Core,” or “TAPPLE,” or “Data Driven Assessments,”
or “Lock-Step.” Teaching is about the students and reaching their hearts. Lisa knew that; Lisa did that with all of her
On a poster board at her funeral was letters to Lisa from
her students, about what they will remember most about her. Their memories were
simple, sweet, basic: her laugh, her smile, the way she made them feel special,
how much fun she was, her pretty clothes, the time she helped them read, or when
she braided their hair. I was reminded
that 20 years from now my students won’t remember what a great lesson plan I
had, or how I used various teaching strategies (or even what my teaching strategies
were). What they will remember is if they
felt like, at least in my class, they were safe, and loved, and liked and accepted
for being who they are.
Lisa was the teacher I want to be: teaching from the heart to the hearts of students.
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Lisa's Beautiful Family |
Saturday, March 29, 2014
"Thug Notes"
I'm always on the hunt to find ways to make literature more relevant to the lives of my students, most of whom, much to my chagrin, do not see the point of British Literature. My students, both the AP and non-AP classes LOVE "Thug Notes."
What I don't like about "Thug Notes"?
1. The stereotypes used. To me, they are overused and cliche. It doesn't seem to bother my students though.
2. The bad language - although most of the "bad words" are "beeped" out - there are plenty more used that have offended some and probably couldn't be used with every age group. I definitely wouldn't be able to use this site if I didn't work in a public school and with high school seniors.
What DO I like about "Thug Notes"?
1. Videos are short - I can give a quick overview of the book to the students without taking up too much class time.
2. There's more to it than just plot summary. The Analysis isn't too difficult for the kids to understand, and covers a wide range of ideas with insight and humor.
3. It's creative - from the illustrations, to the music, the slang and the contrast of the thug living the high life in his fancy library - it's humorous and creative.
4. Most importantly: my students love it - with the humor, "slang" and pictures, my students remember the stories and even watch the videos on their own of books we haven't even read! Anything that gets kids' into literature is a good thing to me.
"Thug Notes" has been featured in several prominent news stories. A few of which are The New York Times, and The Huffington Post. "Sparky Sweets" is even on Twitter!
One last one:
Check out "Thug Notes" for yourself at http://www.thug-notes.com/
Started by a few creative white guys (the "white" part surprised my students), "Thug Notes" is a modern video version of those handy yellow "Cliff's Notes" also called "Spark Notes" the rest of you read in high school to pass your English classes. (I didn't. Nerd that I am, I actually read the books. Always.) As we all know, the modern youth don't read - sadly, not even a condensed "Spark Notes" version of a book - this video series is an easy reinforcement of the plot and/or analysis for the students. With a catchy tag line "Classical Literature, Original Gangster," this idea was bound to be a success with students!
Sparky Sweets, PhD. doing his thing
What I don't like about "Thug Notes"?
1. The stereotypes used. To me, they are overused and cliche. It doesn't seem to bother my students though.
2. The bad language - although most of the "bad words" are "beeped" out - there are plenty more used that have offended some and probably couldn't be used with every age group. I definitely wouldn't be able to use this site if I didn't work in a public school and with high school seniors.
What DO I like about "Thug Notes"?
1. Videos are short - I can give a quick overview of the book to the students without taking up too much class time.
2. There's more to it than just plot summary. The Analysis isn't too difficult for the kids to understand, and covers a wide range of ideas with insight and humor.
3. It's creative - from the illustrations, to the music, the slang and the contrast of the thug living the high life in his fancy library - it's humorous and creative.
4. Most importantly: my students love it - with the humor, "slang" and pictures, my students remember the stories and even watch the videos on their own of books we haven't even read! Anything that gets kids' into literature is a good thing to me.
"Thug Notes" has been featured in several prominent news stories. A few of which are The New York Times, and The Huffington Post. "Sparky Sweets" is even on Twitter!
One last one:
Check out "Thug Notes" for yourself at http://www.thug-notes.com/
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
The Things They Tell Me: "I'm not ungrateful, I'm just tired"
"The poem that most relates to me is “The Unknown Citizen” because he seems to just go along with what one is “supposed” to do and I feel like that’s what I do. I do well in school and play sports and join clubs because that’s what I’m “supposed” to do. Realistically, not everyone has the same duties. The moment I showed I did well in school it because my “job” to always do well. This led me to doing more in school like clubs, sports, etc. I’m not sure if I do things because I enjoy them or if I try to enjoy the things I do .... I feel like I’m just empty and do everything robotically. Doing well and being involved doesn’t make me happy; I have to find happiness somewhere among the pressure, insomnia, expectations, etc. But this isn’t something others will hear about because all they see is that I’m doing what I’m supposed to. I’m not ungrateful, just tired."
This was an excerpt from an essay that was turned in to me today. I wonder, what is this student going to remember about high school? I doubt this kid will have much fondness or nostalgia for all those sleepless nights. Those memories will not likely be filled with fun memories, high school silliness, times spent with friends. Ironically, this very student who turned in this heart wrenching essay was mentioned by a different student, later this same day, as being an example of someone who "isn't stressed" and who can "handle the pressure of being in the top." If only they knew that they were not alone in the struggle.
I don't understand this pressure the idea that these AP kids have to achieve PERFECTION - "only "A's" are allowed" - ALL THE TIME. When I ask them where they get this idea from, the pressure to perform, the idea that anything less than being "the best" is failure (to many of these students a "B" is unheard of, a "C," tantamount to failure), they all unanimously tell me, "my parents." As a parent, I understand wanting your child to achieve to their fullest potential - to live up to what they can do. But, what if your ideas of what your child is capable of are not realistic? There is a difference between realistic high expectations, and pressuring your child to succeed at all costs. The pressure creates a dangerous road for students. One student I teach self-inflicts pain because of the pressure to "succeed." Another has "not felt hungry" and hasn't eaten a good meal in weeks. Many are compared to older siblings - either to "be just like" them, or to "NOT be" like the "failure" that was their brother or sister.
I often remind my students that they are "not the grades they receive" but they never seem to understand or believe it. They seem to think that I am telling them to lower their ambitions, to not strive for greatness. What I am telling them, is that "success" in school doesn't always equal "success" in life, that sometimes failure is a good thing - an opportunity to learn, and that their value as a human doesn't come from a school report card.
I wish I could tatoo that on their hearts and minds.
This was an excerpt from an essay that was turned in to me today. I wonder, what is this student going to remember about high school? I doubt this kid will have much fondness or nostalgia for all those sleepless nights. Those memories will not likely be filled with fun memories, high school silliness, times spent with friends. Ironically, this very student who turned in this heart wrenching essay was mentioned by a different student, later this same day, as being an example of someone who "isn't stressed" and who can "handle the pressure of being in the top." If only they knew that they were not alone in the struggle.
I don't understand this pressure the idea that these AP kids have to achieve PERFECTION - "only "A's" are allowed" - ALL THE TIME. When I ask them where they get this idea from, the pressure to perform, the idea that anything less than being "the best" is failure (to many of these students a "B" is unheard of, a "C," tantamount to failure), they all unanimously tell me, "my parents." As a parent, I understand wanting your child to achieve to their fullest potential - to live up to what they can do. But, what if your ideas of what your child is capable of are not realistic? There is a difference between realistic high expectations, and pressuring your child to succeed at all costs. The pressure creates a dangerous road for students. One student I teach self-inflicts pain because of the pressure to "succeed." Another has "not felt hungry" and hasn't eaten a good meal in weeks. Many are compared to older siblings - either to "be just like" them, or to "NOT be" like the "failure" that was their brother or sister.
I often remind my students that they are "not the grades they receive" but they never seem to understand or believe it. They seem to think that I am telling them to lower their ambitions, to not strive for greatness. What I am telling them, is that "success" in school doesn't always equal "success" in life, that sometimes failure is a good thing - an opportunity to learn, and that their value as a human doesn't come from a school report card.
"You Are Not The Grade You Receive"
I wish I could tatoo that on their hearts and minds.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
In Pursuit -
“She wanted to study Art in college, but I told her ‘No,’”
she says bending over my nails, filing them to a perfect shape. “Art, music, painting, stuff like that is just a
hobby. Not a career. Everybody wants to do art or music or be a
writer, write a book, but that’s just a hobby,” she repeats, “Not a job.”
I look around the nail salon; her daughter’s prize winning art work hangs on the walls; it
certainly looks to me like she has talent to turn her talent into a career. “She’s studying something in the medical field,” she
continues, “Much better.”
I watch her expertly swipe the polish, her fingers steady,
and imagine this life – a life of bent back, aching hands, strained eyes,
customers to keep satisfied. I
sympathize, understanding that this life – this work – is not what she wants
for her daughter. Isn't this what all parents want for their kids? A better life? To be successful and stable and independent?
“Is she happy though?” I work up the nerve to question this
mother’s choices for her daughter. “Does she like what she’s studying?”
I imagine her daughter mourning the loss of a talent wasted, all for the sake of the
Almighty Dollar. I think, “Are we too
focused on money, careers, success, rather than doing what we love?" I remember the student who told me he would
probably study law, because “that’s what my mom wants.” I think of the students
who stress, vainly trying to please their parents with grades,
course selections, college decisions, and apparently even career choices.
“Oh YES,” she’s finished with my polish, and interrupts my
train of thought, “She loves it. She is really happy.” And
my thinking shifts: “So, is this what parenting is: steering your child in new directions,
forcing them to try new things that are outside their comfort zone? To see the
potential and abilities they might not see or know they have?”
I think of my parents, who encouraged their children to
“study what they love.” My parents who had four daughters (myself included) to
graduate from college – four daughters who studied what they enjoyed – and
graduated with majors that had no practical value. In all seriousness, what can one really DO
with an English Literature (or psychology, or communications, or music) major? I had to go BACK to school to get a job: even
for my “fall back” plan (teaching) no one would hire me without a certification. My degree by itself was worthless in the job
market. (Don't believe me? Check out this list of 10 Worst College Majors)
My thoughts after graduating from college |
I’m not a big believer in “do what you love and the jobs
will come to you,” And yet, I was, and am, so
thankful for parents who encouraged learning for the sake of learning – and who
allowed me to pursue what I enjoyed learning about in college. Isn’t that the
point of higher education? To learn? Or is the purpose of college “to get a
job?” A college education isn’t necessary for a quality life – I know many
successful people who never attended college. We've all heard the Steve Jobs story, but he's not the only successful college dropout: A list of highly successful college dropouts These people pursued their passions - and made millions as a result. And yet, the likelihood of that happening is very slim.
I think of my own
daughter – thankfully, still several years away from having to make the
difficult “what am I going to do with my life?” choices, and I wonder what
advice I will give her. There’s got to
be a balance between studying and pursuing those passions, “do what you love,”
and success, stability, a career path, isn’t there?
Monday, January 27, 2014
Students Are The Real Teachers - Part 3: The Student I Wish I Had Been
The student I wish I had been in high school sits in my AP English class this
year. This is my 2nd year with her in my AP English courses (I teach Lit and Lang) and I only wish I had more students like her. In fact, I wish every
student were like her. Truth be told, I
wish I had been more like her.
This girl
has a hunger to learn. She’s not satisfied
with the status quo. She challenges me to bring my teaching “A-game” every single class
period. Those days I want to slack off
and just whip out a worksheet, I can't - I feel guilty – like in some way I’m
letting her down. I was the kind of student who was just fine taking the
non-challenging, "easy A" courses. I turned down a chance to take AP English my senior year because I didn't want the extra work. Not this girl. She’s driven to take every
single challenging, AP/Honors course out there and she’s determined to succeed
in each one. It’s the kind of drive and motivation, that, quite frankly, I do
not understand. I think I may have
horrified her when, last year, I told the class that they needed to “strive for
C’s” (so they could experience a taste of “failure” before getting to college).
She is the
kind of intelligent that doesn’t seem to even try – the so smart she doesn’t
know how easy she’s got it – kind of smarts. But she’s not that know-it-all - that annoying
person who talks just to hear the sound of her own voice – she’s not that at
all. In fact, she’s (seemingly) unaware of how difficult it is for the rest of
us, assuming that the rest of the class is on par, making the connections that
to her are so obvious – but to others are eye-opening.
Sure, I got
good grades (ok, truth be told, in English and History I got good grades. They were
barely decent in Math or Science) – but grades aren’t the only indicator of intelligence
and this girl has both the grades and the intelligence.
She’s read
almost every book I mention, both classics and modern fiction. I read in high
school, but tended to re-read the same books over and over. I waited to expand
my literary horizons until well after college.
articulate – a great debater, quick thinking and quick witted. I think of my
best arguments at 3am two weeks after the initial debate. “Should have said
THAT!!” (and then I can’t sleep out of the sheer frustration of having lost my
chance to win that argument).
An amazing
writer – her essays are a joy to read. Her ideas are insightful. Her thoughts
clear and organized, her phrasing is beautiful. I'm not so sure my essays would have qualified as "a joy to read."
She’s more
than just smarts though. She’s funny, a great sense of humor – always willing
to laugh at herself and playfully tease others.
These past
two years have been so enjoyable to teach because of this girl sitting in my
class. I only wish I had been that student for my high school teachers. I only wish I had been that student for myself.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Project Based Learning - one example
In one of our recent staff development trainings, we learned that good teachers don't "teach to the test" anymore - something probably all good teachers already knew - but that the new teaching trend incorporates "project based" learning. Project based learning is in theory, (isn't that all of the 'new teaching trends - just "theoretically"?) more "real world" and, hence, more "relevant" to the students.
So, as it turns out, despite my refusal to "T to the 4" (Teach To The Test) - as I was instructed to do the first day I got hired by my current district - according to the new definition, I've been a "good teacher" all along!
The following is a project I assign my students as one assessment of the epic poem "Beowulf." This particular project is to recreate the story as a movie trailer - no more than 60 seconds - they have to tell the whole story without revealing the ending, incorporate the major theme/s of the story, and they can't use any scenes from the actual movie of "Beowulf."
This trailer is from a student who is currently studying film at a 4 year University, and hopes to be a movie director. I'd like to think this project helped to fan the flames of that interest ... But either way, he did a great job!
So, as it turns out, despite my refusal to "T to the 4" (Teach To The Test) - as I was instructed to do the first day I got hired by my current district - according to the new definition, I've been a "good teacher" all along!
The following is a project I assign my students as one assessment of the epic poem "Beowulf." This particular project is to recreate the story as a movie trailer - no more than 60 seconds - they have to tell the whole story without revealing the ending, incorporate the major theme/s of the story, and they can't use any scenes from the actual movie of "Beowulf."
This trailer is from a student who is currently studying film at a 4 year University, and hopes to be a movie director. I'd like to think this project helped to fan the flames of that interest ... But either way, he did a great job!
Monday, January 13, 2014
Disbelief, Dismay, and Huckleberry Finn
Last week I had a shocking revelation. Out of 2 classes of
Seniors in a regular English class – out of a total of 70 students –
your average, run of the mill, middle class, college bound students – less than 10 students had heard of the book,
movie, or basic plot line of the classic work of fiction Huckleberry Finn.
one of my favorite authors Mark Twain |
Look, I understand, I teach in a public high school, but I
had no idea that public schools were THIS bad! How is it possible that
less than 10 students had heard the basic storyline to one of THE defining
works of literature in American history?
When I expressed disbelief, exclaiming that I couldn’t
believe that they didn’t know this most basic work – “EVERYONE has heard of
Huckleberry Finn” I said - a student countered dryly, “Obviously
Rather than being ashamed of their ignorance, the class
laughed, thinking his retort smart and funny.
So I set out to do some research. How prevalent IS Huck Finn in pop culture?
Should they have some consciousness of it?
Turns out I'm not so crazy after all ...
Who do they think Brad Paisley named his son after?
What was this episode of Family Guy parodying then?
They are probably too young to remember this cartoon playing
on Saturday mornings, but surely they’ve seen the “Cartoon Classics” DVD?
This popular kids' cartoon (originally titled: Adventure Time with Finn and Jake) even had a spin on the story:
Shoot, even Legos has a Huck and Jim character set.
Not to mention plays, movies, even musicals made about this book:
When I studied this book for the first time my freshman year of high school, I realized, for the first time, that books could do more than just entertain. They can teach; they can show the evils of society; they can change how we see others and ourselves.
Much to their dismay, I informed my students that in good conscience, there is no way I can let them graduate from high school without having read this book.
But I'll make sure we read the original and not these books!
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Belated Thanks
He went quietly; after wavering in his decision for over a
year, finally one afternoon towards the end of the school year, he just decided
it was time to retire. His announcement was made without fanfare, made only to the Administration, which must be the only way
explain how after 37 years of service, he slipped through the cracks of recognition of his service to the school and the community. 37 years – his entire working life – for
which he received in thanks: a passing mention at a board meeting and a passing
mention at the first staff meeting of the following year. No fake Rolex watch, no email sent to the
staff, no announcement in the local paper, no retirement party the last day of
school, not even a hastily thrown together cake at break in the teacher’s
lounge for him. 37 years – as long as I
have been alive – he worked at Brawley Union High School, for the last 8,
I was privileged to work with him.
Wrestling Hall of Fame photo |
In true Smith fashion, he left without expecting pomp and
circumstance. Despite the moments of bluster and fuss throughout those 37
years, he ended them quietly, humbly. He must have thought it was worth the effort, because for
the past 37 years, he did all he could to make it a better place to be both for
the students and the teachers.
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With one of his undefeated football teams |
When he was passed over for the Head Varsity Football Coach
position, he took the lower paid, less prestigious Junior Varsity coach
position – and promptly led those kids to an undefeated season - a feat he accomplished more than once with multiple teams. He continued to coach in whatever capacity
needed – Freshmen coach, or as an Assistant – he gave his all no matter the
He revived the Wrestling program - taking the team from a
handful of kids who wanted to Wrestle, to a CIF Championship team – his was the first CIF championship winning
team starting the current 12 consecutive year winning streak. He not only coached the current coach as a
wrestler, but coached him up on how to coach. He is a California Hall of Fame Wrestling Coach - winning recognition for his wins, his teams' achievements as well as his lifetime of service.
As a Smith, he was a political outsider (being a
Conservative and a Contrarian, much like being a Teacher, is in our DNA), never afraid
to speak out on issues, the voice in the desert crying out for common sense; he
was the one who said what others were thinking but were either afraid, or not
sure how to say it. His political ideals
and staunch principles may have made him unpopular with some, but he was
respected for having the courage to speak his mind.
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With his sons, three of whom are teachers |
Like to play Chess? He started a school chess club. Want to
learn ballroom dancing? Take his PE class. Want to serve in the community? He
was a Boy Scout Master for many years.
Need a ride home from practice? You could count on Coach
Smith to not leave you stranded.
After 37 years, he’d seen it all in the educational world,
and whenever I have expressed frustration or given a passionate argument for
different issues, his response is always the same: a gentle laugh and reminder
that “there are worse places you could work.”
When I once asked him how he could have spent his lifetime in ONE place,
in THIS particular place, he just smiled, sighed and reminded me, “Well, you
have to spend those years working somewhere, and ... Brawley is a good place to
He is who I reference when asked “which Smith” family I am
from. My response of “COACH Smith” will
usually get me a smile and a story of when “he was my coach” or “he was my
Science teacher,” or some other way he impacted the life of whoever it is in
the community I happen to be talking to at the moment. It seems that EVERYONE has a story about Coach Smith.
So, to Keith Smith, my uncle, my teacher, coach, mentor,
and colleague, though it is long overdue, I thank you for your 37 years of
dedication, for the sacrifice of time, of family life, energy, and passion, for
spending your life giving to the students at Brawley Union High School, for
caring about not just their test scores, but their characters, for working to
create better students and citizens of this community. Brawley Union High School just isn’t the same
without you.
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Behind every great man, is a great woman - my Aunt Lynn and Uncle Keith in their younger years |
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