Lesson Plans and Ideas

I like to do projects as proof that students have really understood whatever we have studied. With the advent of the Common Core, my teaching style is not en vogue and rather than being viewed as the "easy grade giver" of a teacher, I'm now viewed as being "cutting edge." Got to love the Educational Trends.

The following is an assignment I have used every time I teach "Macbeth." It is an extremely popular assignment with the students, gaining quite the reputation. "Do we get to do the video project too?" I hear almost every year.
Macbeth Creative Project


Retell the entire story of Macbeth – a man’s (or woman’s) rise to power and his corruption through overwhelming ambition – in a different setting than the one in which the play was written.

Example: you may use a different time period, like: the Wild West, the 80’s, punk rock, the 60’s hippies, etc.
Or you may use a different location, like Wall Street, high school, (prom king/queen, or sports team), a large corporation, a TV show (actor/actress), etc.

BE CREATIVE!! *However – you must remain true to the original plot of the story.

*Include the themes of: Ambition, greed, betrayal, guilt – and their results in your retelling of the story.

*Each group must present their “retold Macbeth” in a creative manner. – You may act it out, make a movie, perform it in dance, sing the story operatic style, etc.  Each Group must have costumes that are appropriate to the time period and the setting of their retold story. 

*You must have dialogue and each person in the group must have at least 1 speaking part. Within the dialogue, you must include at least 5 of the lines in Bold on your “Lines to Know from Macbeth” handout. These 5 lines must be spoken in Shakespearean language. So, they must be worked into the time period’s dialogue in a creative manner.

You may change the details of the story to fit the time period; however, the basic plot of the story must stay the same.


  1. This will count as a project grade.
  2. No more than 6 members per group. Group members may be from different class periods, however, projects are due at the earliest period.
  3. Groups may use people from outside class for the project (parents, siblings, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc) However, they may not have major roles in the project.
  4. Each group must be ready to present on the date and class period due. No excuses. Technology problems are not a valid excuse. You will not be allowed to run to the computer tech guys or to Mr. Archer to have them “fix” your project. *TIP: check the compatibility of your software with the school’s software BEFORE the date due!
  5. Each project must be 5 - 10 min. in length. No more. No less.
  6. Do not use swear words, inappropriate language or scenes, sexual innuendos, drug or alcohol references, “beeped out” language, etc.

Anything that could be deemed offensive or inappropriate will result in an automatic failing grade for the entire group. Keep it G-rated!!

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